How the Architect's Home Look Like

Do you ever wonder how architect will design their own places? Will the place full of artistic elements? Or as normal as us? Check below maisonette apartment belonging to two designers (an architect and a textile designer) and maybe you can tell how designer’s home looks different than ours.

How the Architect’s Home Look Like How the Architect’s Home Look Like

Their new apartment stretches over two floors with an unusual tapering floor plan that resembles a slice of cake. The 290 m² have been transformed into a vibrant cabinet of curiosities, filled with mementos and inspirational pieces, which they have collected or sourced on their travels.

How the Architect’s Home Look Like How the Architect’s Home Look Like

The upbeat is given by a pale grey, gallery-like hallway, which forms a cabinet brimming with travel curiosities. The wooden bench from India servers as a striking elements at the enterance. A black, herringbone parquet floor runs from here throughout the apartment, giving the suite of rooms a flowing feel and creating a strong graphic counterpart to the typically bourgeois Wilhelminian architecture.

The maisonette is a museum of memories and a showroom for the creativity of its owners in one. In place of a closed, consistent aesthetic, the apartment functions as a collage of variegated moods. Yet in spite of their seeming disparity, a synthesis is achieved that perfectly reflects the personality of the owners in the individual rooms.

How the Architect’s Home Look Like How the Architect’s Home Look Like How the Architect’s Home Look Like How the Architect’s Home Look Like

I have to admit there are many interesting things you can find in the room, especially its lighting fixtures. However, I am no a big fan of making home looks like art gallery. With all those displays scattered around, I just make me feel uncomfortable and have to extremly careful. What do you think this room?

Design by: ifgroup